DID (Decentralized Identifiers) serves as a foundational technology for creating persistent, verifiable, and self-sovereign gaming identities across multiple gaming platforms and experiences complimenting the data orchestration.
With this architecture, Turf's collector-nodes can establish a unified identity layer that aggregates player performance, achievements, and interactions across different games while maintaining data sovereignty and portability. Our Identity layer enables secure on-chain data orchestration by creating cryptographically-verified connections between a player's various gaming activities, assets, and performance metrics, all anchored to an immutable identifier that the player controls.
This identity-centric approach facilitates seamless data interoperability, allowing for the creation of comprehensive player profiles that can include game-specific statistics, cross-game achievements, reputation scores, and ownership records of digital assets.
When integrated with Turf's Network, DIDs enable granular access control and selective disclosure of gaming data, empowering players to manage their privacy while participating in a broader gaming ecosystem.
TurfID is live with PrivadoID’s identity stack — powering more than 5000 Gamer’s worldwide with a curated portfolio of gamer’s
For more info please read: https://medium.com/turf-gaming/embracing-identity-in-gaming-paving-the-way-for-a-unified-experience-for-gamers-004b3013b452