
Core struct of TURF.GG Network

tNODES form the foundational struct of the TURF.GG network, operating as specialized nodes within the Avalanche L1 app chain ecosystem. They are designed to provide both traditional blockchain validation and unique data orchestration capabilities specific to gaming economies.

tNODEs are categorised into two types with distinct capabilities :

  • Validator Nodes ( Network Security )

  • DO Nodes ( Data Orchestration )

Validator Nodes

Validator Nodes serve as the foundational security layer of the TURF.GG app chain on Avalanche. They are responsible for maintaining network consensus, validating transactions, and ensuring the overall integrity of the blockchain. These nodes participate in the standard blockchain operations by staking Node License Tokens (NLT) and optionally additional TURF tokens to enhance their consensus participation weight. Validator Nodes form the primary security backbone by participating in block production, transaction validation, and maintaining the decentralised state of the network. Their performance is measured through metrics like block validation rate, transaction throughput, and network uptime, with rewards distributed based on their staking amount and validation performance. In cases of malicious behaviour or poor performance, they are subject to slashing mechanisms that can result in the loss of their staked assets.

DO Nodes

Data Orchestration (DO) Nodes, on the other hand, represent a specialized layer unique to TURF.GG's gaming-focused architecture. These nodes are specifically designed to handle the complex requirements of gaming data management and orchestration. They interface directly with the TURF Engine's components, including Collectors and the AI Inference Engine, to process real-time gameplay data across multiple games. DO Nodes require both NLT staking and additional TURF tokens due to their specialized functions. They are responsible for maintaining the data funnel designed for the gaming industry, ensuring proper data verification, and supporting the Decentralized Identifier (DID) system that enables cross-game identity management. Their performance is evaluated based on metrics like data processing speed, cross-game integration efficiency, and real-time processing capabilities. While they participate in the overall network security, their primary value lies in their ability to handle the unique data orchestration requirements of gaming economies.

Key highlights:

  1. Dual node architecture (Validator and DO Nodes) provides both traditional blockchain security and specialized gaming data capabilities

  2. Robust staking mechanism using both NLT and TURF tokens

  3. Comprehensive performance metrics for both network and data orchestration

  4. Clear rewards structure based on multiple contribution factors

  5. Detailed security protocols for both network and data protection

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