Run a Testnet Validator Node

This guide will walk you through the steps required to set up and run a Turf Validator Node, including installation, configuration, and operation.

1. Setting Up a Turf Validator Node

To begin, ensure your system meets the basic requirements outlined in the prerequisites. Install the AvalancheGo software and verify its installation by checking the service status with the following command:

sudo systemctl status avalanchego

2. Running a Turf Subnet Node

Running a Turf Subnet Node involves building the AvalancheGo software, adding the required Virtual Machine binaries as plugins, and configuring the node.

Step 1: Configure the Subnet-EVM

  • Build the Subnet-EVM binary and save it as a plugin.

  • Name the plugin after the VMID of the Avalanche L1 you wish to track. The VMID of the Turf Avalanche L1 is the value “tHnRX4186agTmiyqxmNoLBsM56GubWTXtoDBDzfxSTKFAgine

  • Use the following commands to build and configure:

cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd subnet-evm
./scripts/ ~/.avalanchego/plugins/tHnRX4186agTmiyqxmNoLBsM56GubWTXtoDBDzfxSTKFAgine
  • Alternatively, download the latest binary and save it as a plugin:
mkdir subnetevm
cd subnetevm
tar -xvzf subnet-evm_0.7.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
cp subnet-evm ~/.avalanchego/plugins/tHnRX4186agTmiyqxmNoLBsM56GubWTXtoDBDzfxSTKFAgine

Step 2: Update Node Configuration

  • Add the Turf testnet tracking option to your node configuration file:
nano ~/.avalanchego/configs/node.json
  • Insert the following configuration:
  "track-subnets": "2wEAaW6ZUPTpKo2cjnGrZ8LziWmwS3ErvhMDyRkEETQ1bYVjD8"
  • Alternatively, pass the subnet ID during node startup:
--track-subnets 2wEAaW6ZUPTpKo2cjnGrZ8LziWmwS3ErvhMDyRkEETQ1bYVjD8

3. Managing Node Operations

After updating the configuration, restart your node to begin tracking the Turf subnet:

  • Restart Node:
sudo systemctl restart avalanchego
  • Check Node Status:
sudo systemctl status avalanchego
  • View Logs:
sudo journalctl -u avalanchego -f

4. Bootstrapping and RPC Details

The bootstrapping process may take several hours. Once complete, your node will be accessible at the following RPC endpoint:


To monitor Subnet syncing progress, use the following RPC call:

curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method": "platform.getBlockchainStatus","params":{"blockchainID":"w3jJ4GETP3VUF2Ai9BLrvE2bUvCA6Som8EvoAJv3EYpCdJWXa"},"id": 1}' -H 'content-type:application/json;'

5. Next Steps

While your node performs consensus independently, it is not yet recognized as a validator on the network. To become a validator and fully participate in network consensus, follow the instructions for joining the network as a validator.

This setup enables you to contribute to Turf's decentralized infrastructure and dynamic gaming economy.

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